Online GMAT Tutoring

Services, Booking, and Testimonials


1-on-1 Tutoring Sessions (Quant / Verbal / DI)


Email or auto-book here to set up a free 15-minute consultation

*more like a friendly chat :)
Let's get started!

Testimonials: (+ 760 reddit, 740 gmatclub, 760 gmatclub, 730 reddit)

John, USA -

"I first found Aman on reddit and wrote him an e-mail to get started on my gmat preparation. After using TTP & Magoosh I knew I needed an extra boost via a tutor to help get me across the finish line and clear up any misconceptions I had. Aman was easy to work with, prompt, professional, he had simple and clear methods for me to use on quant & verbal. His creative ways to think about passages and use outside of the box thinking really helped me achieve my score on the GMAT. I would recommend his services to anyone who is looking for a tutor to help you get that score you deserve! 10/10."
Frank, USA -

"Gmat Knight has allowed me to unlock a score I had previously thought to be impossible. Knight's approach to both quant and verbal problems shines as the best I have ever seen amongst even the most expensive tutoring services, an approach so effective, I was able to score 99th percentile on verbal and an overall 730 on the test. Knight is a unique tutor in that he values emotional intelligence on the test just as much as he values problem solving abilities. His tutoring methods are unmatched and his pricing levels, very reasonable. I have found a tutor and a friend in Knight and I look forward to seeing the amazing results to come from other students. Highly Recommended."
Adreano, Canada -

"Connected with GMAT Knight, and set up a quick consultation. He immediately identified some work-ons, and we set up a session to improve my score. His approach is tailored to complement your existing style, and adds a level of confidence to your test taking. He teaches at an appropriate pace, and makes the learning enjoyable. Would highly recommend him to anyone looking to hit a particular score or overcome a plateau!"
Shaan, USA - 
760 "V41 to a V45 in about 10 days with 6 hours of tutoring"
"I worked with GMATKnight for 6 hours total. We did three two hour courses on each verbal section. He was an immense help to me in honing in on my verbal approach, specifically he helped me become more precise with my interpretation of questions, and helped me better absorb information I was reading in CR and RC passages. If you are stuck between two answers frequently, it could be key to spend a couple hours with GMATKnight and figure out what you are misunderstanding to be split between two answers. I would highly suggest GMATKnight if you are struggling with verbal and need to hone your strategy."
Sriyaans, India -

"Gmat verbal can be very difficult to crack if one tends to be very rigid with rules. Aman teaches unique and highly effective methods to solve questions in this section. The time I have spent solving just a few questions with him have added more value and yielded greater results than the weeks I spent trying to learn grammar rules or solve and learn the ‘perfect solutions’ for numerous practice questions. With the amount of time one has to solve tricky verbal questions in the test, developing a smart and efficient mindset to approach and solve questions is key to maximise scores and that’s what precisely what Aman helps you achieve."
Bastien, USA -

"The GMAT is an exam that tests you more on thinking outside the book than knowledge. When I first started studying, I had a hard time thinking in a strategic way. I first found Mr. Aman on GMATclub, after sending him an email and having a brief chat with him on skype we started prepping immediately. Mr. Aman has helped me manage my time strategically as well as giving great tricks to tackle problems as efficiently as possible. He is a great teacher, I highly recommend."
Allan, India

"I ran into Aman on Reddit, where I was looking for advice on increasing my Verbal score after a disastrous GMAT attempt (scored 6 points lower than on my practice tests). Aman figured out that my solving approach might be the cause for the score differential. I signed up for the 6-hour verbal package with him. Although I had never studied RC and CR, I still felt that I didn't need any help with it. I was proved wrong when Aman taught me some innovative ways of looking at CR and RC questions that definitely slashed the time I took to solve these questions. My verbal-solving has become faster and more efficient now. Should add that Aman's methods make RC questions of any difficulty feel like easy level questions. The only real prep I did between my second and third (final) attempts was the coaching I took with him. My score increased from a 670 to a 730, and I scored a V40 on the 730, which is a 90th percentile score."
Blake, USA

"I started tutoring looking for a focus on the verbal side of the gmat. Coming in when doing reading comprehension, the passages were going in one ear and out the other. I wasn't taking in any of the information and because of that was unable to confidently go through the questions. He showed me a few tips and quickly I was seeing the reading comprehension ability improve to where I was confidently getting every question correct in practice sessions. He also assisted with sentence correction providing an in depth idiom list and way of working through questions.

We also did some quant work and were able to work through the math guide and strengthening areas that I didn't realize were lacking coming into sessions. I would recommend him to anyone I know preparing for the gmat and looking to identify and improve weaknesses."
Karl, United Kingdom -

"I worked with Aman on improving my skills in the Reading Comprehension section. His method to approaching passages is great as it forces you to actively engage in the text and preps you for any question the exam can throw at you. Coupled with his friendly way of teaching, I’d recommend working with Aman if you want to give your GMAT score a boost."



A born-brit who may sound American and with three languages currently to his name (yes, including Japanese), there may have been a similar instructor for a US-based multinational tutoring company out there :) Someone who enjoys standardized tests and even passed the JLPT N1, he holds a passion for books and writing: Tolkien, Alcott, Doyle, Verne, etc.


Book here to set up a free consult, or send a brief email to mentioning:

1) Your admission or test situation (i.e. perhaps a dream school you are targeting or an old GMAT score you wish to improve)

2) A few date and time slots you are available for a free 15-minute chat (e.g. 23 Jan, 5pm EST)

That's it! We'll figure out the rest :)


- 1-1 GMAT Tutoring rates:​​​​​​​​

  • 2-hour Reading Comprehension Approach Booster (+ pre-session task): $550

  • 2-hour Critical Reasoning Approach Booster (+ pre-session task): $550

  • 2-hour DI (DS) Approach Booster: $550

  • 2-hour DI (Non-DS) Approach Booster: $550

  • 4-hour Solving Approach Point Booster DI package: $1000

  • 5-hour Solving Approach Point Booster Verbal package: $1250 [Popular modules]

  • 5-hour Solving Approach Point Booster Quant package: $1250

  • 10-hour Individualized package: $2500

  • $280 per hour

- Auto-book a 15-minute consult